Tables & properties

List, order, count and export all of your elements properties using tables.

Adding properties to elements

You may add properties to Zones, Walls and Blocks.

To do so, select one or multiple elements and header towards the Meta Data section in the right panel.

Creating a new property

To create a new property, first click on the Organize properties button. Then, click on the + button.

Properties are defined by a Name and a Type (Text, Number, Length, Area, Volume, Price, Boolean). Depending on the chosen Type, mathematical operations will be available (e.g. sum, min, max...)

You may always change the property's name at a later time.

Note : created properties are immediately added to current selection and are accessible to all the elements of the model.

Adding/removing a property

To add a property to selection, click on the + button then select the property. You may then fill-in the property value for the selection.

To add multiple properties to selection, or remove properties from selection, click on the Organize properties button and then select all the properties to be added/removed

Creating tables

Tables can be found in the left panel

To create a new table, click the + button.

Adding properties to the table

Click on the + button at the top-right of your table to add new properties to the table

Arranging elements in a table

Click on a column header to display options such as Sort, Filters, Group by.


You may sort the table alphabetically based on a given column


You may filter each column to only show the elements matching a given filter.

Group by

You can also arrange tables by group

Exporting a Table

You may export your tables at any time in .csv or .xlsx formats using the Export button.

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Last updated