
Creating windows to reference your drawings.

Views can be found in the Canvases section of the Layer panel, behind the view button of each individual canvas.

What is a view?

A view is a window onto a canvas of a model.

In other words, using views helps create a duplicate representation of your work.

Views are the best way to create as many references to an existing drawing as you would like, to then be used for instance in page layouts or as a drawing underlay.

Notably, views display 3 main characteristics:

  • View are updated: any changes to the drawing the view represents will be immediately visible from the view itself.

  • Views can be edited: the size, crop, scale of a view can be changed.

  • Views can be overridden: the style and visibility of things displayed in a view can be changed to diverge from its initial aspect.

Creating a view

To create a view, head to the Canvases section of the Layer panel, behind the view button of each individual canvas. Clicking add view on canvas A will create a view of canvas A on whatever canvas is currently displayed (canvas A, B or else).

Editing a view

A view is an object that can be edited by entering its edit mode.

There, 4 main aspects of a view can be tuned:

  • The view crop window can be resized, by editing the view clipping path.

  • The view origin can be modified, by either panning in the view, or editing the Origin X,Y values in the view properties.

  • The view scale can be tuned, by either zooming in the view, or editing the Scale value in the view properties.

  • The view canvas, that is, the canvas the current view points to, can be swapped.

Overriding a view

In edit mode, a view can be curated to refine how its content appears.

Elements can be turned on/off, and the style of things can be tuned…

Visibility overrides

The content of views can be hidden/shown, by interacting with the layers/entities visibility settings, once in view edit mode.

At any point, the visibility overrides you have created can be reset, either for the entire view or for a single entity/layer.

Style overrides

The content of views can be restyled, by interacting with the entities’ styles in the style panels, once in view edit mode.

At any point, the style overrides you have created can be reset, either for the entire style, all styles at once, or for a single parameter of a style.

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