Editing tools

An exhaustive list of Rayon's editing tool set.

All editing tools can be found in the bottom toolbar or triggered via shortcuts.

Editing tools

Note that for every editing tool, you may either start by,

  • selecting the element(s) to be edited then triggering the command,

  • or, trigger the command first, select the element(s) and click on the DONE ( or SPACE) button in the active command bar

Copy CC

Arguments : Distance, Angle

  • Start by selecting the element to be copied then triggering the Copy command

  • Select the specific point you wish to copy the element from

  • Select the insertion point for the copied element.

Move MM

Arguments : Distance, Angle

  • Start by selecting the element to be moved then triggering the Move command

  • Select the specific point you wish to move the element from

  • Select the insertion point for the moved element.

Offset OO

Argument : Distance

  • Start by selecting the element to be offset then triggering the Offset command

  • Select the specific offset distance you wish to offset the element with

Trim TR

  • Start by selecting the elements that intersect then triggering the Trim command

  • Select the paths to be deleted

Scale S

Mode : Scope Selection/Model Arguments : Scale, Distance

  • Start by selecting the element to be scaled then triggering the Scale command

  • Select the first point to scale from

  • Then select a second point or enter a scale ratio in the active command argument

Join J

  • Select the paths to be joined then triggering the Join command

Rotate RR

Argument : Angle

  • Start by selecting the element to be rotated then triggering the Rotate command

  • Select the first point to rotate from

  • Then select a angle on the canvas

Mirror MI

Mode : Copy/Move

  • Start by selecting the element to be mirrored then triggering the Mirror command

  • Select the first point to mirror from

  • Then select a second point on the canvas

Fillet CF

Mode : Scope Single/All Argument : Radius

  • Start by selecting the element to be filleted then triggering the Fillet command

  • Select the two contiguous paths to fillet from

  • Then select the radius on the canvas

Chamfer CH

Mode : Regular/Irregular Arguments : Distance left, Distance right

  • Start by selecting the element to be chamfered then triggering the Chamfer command

  • Select the two contiguous paths to fillet from

  • Then select the distance on the canvas

Explode X

Select the shapes to be exploded in individual paths then triggering the Explode command

Extend TX

  • Start by selecting the element to extend to then triggering Extend command

  • Select the paths to be extended

Align AL

Mode : Unscaled/Scaled

  • Start by selecting the element to be aligned to then triggering Align command

  • Select the element first source point

  • Select the element first destination point

  • Select the element second source point

  • Select the element second destination point

Boolean B

Mode : Join/Intersect/Exclude/Subtract

  • Start by selecting the Boolean

  • Select the appropriate mode : Join, Intersect, Exclude or Subtract

  • Select the element according to the chosen mode

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Last updated