Your workspaces

Organizing your models.

From your model, you can go Back Home, to access the Project Manager. Here, your models are stored, shared, and can be organized as you wish.

Your Personal workspace should now look like this...

A few important things:

  • At the center of the screen are your models.

  • The bar on the left displays all your workspaces (repositories for your models...more on that below).

  • In the top left corner is your avatar, where you have access to your profile and its settings.

  • On the right side of the screen are the New and Import buttons, as well as some information about the current workspace and billing.

What is a workspace?

A workspace is where you can store your models or access the work of others (models, folders, and libraries).

Workspaces categories are listed on the left:

  • Personal is where your own private models are. Only you and the people you may invite have access to these files.

  • Shared With You is where files shared with you by others are stored.

  • Your Organization Workspaces is where workspaces created with your team will appear. Models there are accessible to everyone on your team.

A few actions can be performed on workspaces:

  • Creating a workspace: clicking on the + Add Workspace button will allow you to create new workspaces.

  • Inviting to a workspace: to join an existing organization workspace, click on the + button, and switch to the Join tab. There you will see all accessible workspaces and can choose the ones you wish to join.

  • Editing a workspace: you can always edit a workspace by clicking on it and then on the Edit button on the right sidebar. There, you can:

    • Modify other people's access settings.

    • Change the workspace's name.

    • Delete the workspace.

Adding models to a workspace

  • The content of the workspace currently selected is always displayed on the right and is searchable using the Search Bar above.

  • + New allows you to...

    • Create a New Model.

    • Create a New Folder that will contain models.

  • Import allows you to import a file (JPG\PNG image, DWG, DXF & PDF)!

  • To get started with an example model, click the + Add button on one of the examples provided, and it will be added to your workspace. Double-click on it to open the model!

Deleting a model

Deleting models from a workspace will transfer them to the Trash:

  • From there, you can always Restore them to your workspace!

  • Or, you can choose to Delete Permanently.

We're always available!

Feel free to email us at if you need more info

Last updated