To get a student account, please follow these few steps:
Create a Rayon account, at this link, using an academic institutional email. Note that generic emails (like gmail, hotmail, etc.) will not be eligible for a student account.
During the onboarding, when asked, please don't forget to select the ‘I am a student’ option.
If your school is already in our student program, then you will automatically be set on the student plan.
If your school is not yet in our student program, you will see a referral widget on the right side of your screen. You will need to refer two friends and have them create Rayon accounts in order to unlock your student account and theirs!
Your student plan will give you access to all the features of our Pro plan: watermark-less exports, access to Rayon's entire libraries, etc.
Questions students usually ask, answers we usually give!
My university does not provide students with institutional emails. Can I send you my student ID for proof?
Unfortunately, no. Non-institutional emails (like Gmail, Hotmail, etc.) will not be eligible for a student account.
I referred two friends, but I am still not eligible for the free account. What should I do?
First of all, make sure your own email is an academic institutional email. Then ensure your referrals have created a Rayon account. Then, please wait 48h for your submission to be approved.
How can my school get in the student program?
We add universities to our program every week. To speed up that process, and get all students of your school automatically on the student plan (no referral needed) it is simple: simply have the IT department at your school reach out to us at
I am a student but I do not have an institutional email; can I still get a student plan?
In principles, no, you would not. However, if your univeristy IT department can reach out to us, then we can enroll your school, and you would then get granted a student plan through your school's plan. Just ask your school's IT department to reach out to us at
I created a Rayon account with my institutional email, but I do not see a referral program widget on the right side of my workspace. How can I apply?
In this case, you probably did not select the “I am a student” option during the onboarding process, when creating your account. You need to delete your account under the main menu > settings > delete account and create a new one, mentioning you are a student.
I created a Rayon account, but I did not mention I am a student in the onboarding. How can I fix this?
You need to delete your account under the main menu > settings > delete account and create a new one.