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September 2023 Changelog

All of September's new and improved features 💫

We've improved and made new features to enhance your Rayon experience!

✨ New features:

  • Image blocks

  • New onboarding

💪 Improved features:

  • Better page export

🫶 Revamped ecosystem:

  • New kits & blog

  • Revamped tutorials

For a more in-depth look at Rayon's features, 👉 check our documentation 🔗

✨ Image blocks

You can now turn images on the canvas into blocks and create custom image block libraries!

✨ New onboarding

Our onboarding is now tailored to your use case by providing custom example models, student accounts, and more!

💪 Better page export

Export Pages faster and with better-quality embedded images!

🫶 New kits & blog

Our website now hosts:

🫶 Revamped tutorials

Check out our revamped tutorials, made with lots of care and a teaspoon of personal touch!

Any questions? ☝️

→ Feel free to email us at 🙌

→ For a more in-depth look at Rayon's features, check out our documentation 🔗

Last updated